Welcome to How Do You Do

Training - Advice - Support

Advise individuals, groups, teams and their managers, to enhance self-awareness, comprehension of others and of the interactions between individuals. Share tools for a more peaceful and meaningful performance, thanks to consideration and respect for self and others.

VIP2A, Personnality Inventory

Offer you insights on who you are, more precisely, on how and why you do the things you do (or don’t) and find, if necessary, tracks for personal development...

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Personality Inventory

Offer you insights on who you are, more precisely, on how and why you do the things you do. Learn more »

Personal coaching

Change the way you look at situations that bother you and adopt a more adapted state of mind. Learn more »

Recruitment & Assessment

Analyze the personality of the candidates to get insight into their motivational structure. Learn more »


Stress management, deal with aggressiveness, motivation management. Learn more »

There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?

Robert F. Kennedy

Top posts from though leaders: Deepak Chopra

The Conscious Lifestyle: A Leader's True Responsibility (It Doesn't Have to Be a Burden)

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