NBM Tools (Neurocognitive and Behavioral Method)

Steering of the mental modes
Where does stress come from? Why do we resist to change? How stay calm and take the good decisions? Everything depends on the state of mind of the moment. In an “automatic” mode, we react quickly, based on the acquired experience. In the “adaptive” mode, we resolve unknown or complex situations. The NBA model explains how to switch from the one to the other.
Personalities & Motivations
Our motivations and apprehensions. Our drivers and our resistance. What is their source? How canalize them and benefit from them? How does our personality arise? How does it express itself in our daily life? Based on a 8 personalities structure the NBA sheds light on what makes each one of us unique. Unique but not unpredictable!
Avoidance & Compensations:
Someone annoys you? A behavior seems ridiculous to you or bothers you? An attitude brings tears in your eyes through admiration? These signs indicate that you are confronted with a loss of freedom. That you have been compensating. That makes you suffer sometimes. The NBA model allows you to recover your freedom. No matter the situation that caused the initial blocking.
Stress, demotivation, burn-out, inefficiency, lack of productivity, insufficient quality. Inertia, impunity and “cupboard” functions. The lack of cohesion between the objectives of an organization and the individual motivation can go any way. The link between the managerial processes and the human sciences is lacking. Biosystemic closes this gap. This method rectifies the dysfunctions without changing the structure of the organization.
An online questionnaire to better understand the personalities. To measure the progression level. To understand the interactions between personal experience and cerebral structures. The VIP2A uncovers the behavioral dynamics. And predicts it. A subtle reading of behavior and state of mind.